Thursday, July 1, 2010

Paper Collages

Our summer routine has left us little time for our regular activities, such as story time at the local library and morning outdoor park play. We spend most mornings these days watering our ever-growing garden and preparing for, attending, and unwinding from swim lessons. Today, when Rebecca woke up too ill to attend her lesson, we decided to take advantage of a "rest" day to get creative.
Rebecca has been quite intrigued by glue lately, so I decided to incorporate glue into this week's art project. I cut small scraps of various different kinds of paper, including newspaper, tissue paper, construction paper, etc, I placed each different kind on its own cocktail plate for sorting, and I gave each kid a large page to work on and a pool of glue with a cotton swab for spreading said glue. The girls then covered their pages with a collage of rectangular paper pieces. My directions were to dab glue onto the page and then place a paper piece onto the glue spot, but Rebecca soon discovered that she preferred to coat the back of each paper piece with glue before pasting it to the page. Elliot was a bit thrown off by this two-step technique and soon began scattering paper pieces on the page without the use of glue. As you might guess, when I picked up the pages to set them to dry, many of Elliot's paper pieces slid right off. Both girls were also taken by the little paper pieces themselves, and after lunch as I set to unload the dishwasher, I found a small stack of paper pieces inside the mixing bowl cabinet. Rebecca even tried to take a few into bed with her for naps! My new rule is that all art materials are to stay in the art room (aka nursery).
Elliot's creation is on the left, Rebecca's is on the right.

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